V ceně balíčku obdržíte (ve všech variantách) |
Doporučení doplňků stravy na míru na základě výsledků vyšetření |
Obecné doporučení zdravého životního stylu na základě výsledků vyšetření |
Obecné výživové doporučení na základě výsledků výšetření |
Informace o hodnotě jednotlivých metod, spolu s referenční mezí |
Popisek metod, které máte mimo referenční mez |
The price of the package includes (in all variants) |
Customized dietary supplement recommendations based on the results of the examination |
General recommendations for a healthy lifestyle based on the results of the examination |
General nutritional recommendations based on the results of the examination |
Information on the value of individual methods, along with the reference range |
Description of methods that are outside the reference range |
For those who enjoy celebrating late into the night, we present a special package of blood tests focused on checking key health indicators. This examination concentrates on...
This blood and urine test package is a health testing kit focused on diagnosing and identifying possible causes of abdominal pain. It includes blood and urine analyses that...
The sexually transmitted disease testing package is designed to detect the most common sexually transmitted infections. We place a strong emphasis on discretion, privacy, and a...
Navigate your health with this comprehensive blood and urine test package, specially designed for women focused on preventive care and overall well-being. This package includes...
A dietary supplement package designed to provide the body with essential nutrients and compounds that support natural energy and vitality. The package includes Apple C,...
This carefully selected dietary supplement package is specially designed to meet the needs of vegans and vegetarians, providing essential nutrients that may be lacking in their...
Balíček doplňků stravy na imunitu je skupina různých výživových produktů navržených tak, aby podpořily a posílily imunitní systém člověka. Balíček obsahuje Vitamín D₃ K₂, B...
This dietary supplement package is an ideal choice for those wishing to support the health of their skin, hair, and nails. It contains key nutrients known for their positive...
Balíček doplňků stravy je sestaven tak, aby podpořil a chránil zrakové funkce. Obsahuje látky a živiny, které mají pozitivní vliv na zrak a mohou pomoci předcházet různým očním...
This comprehensive dietary supplement package is specially curated to support a healthy digestive system and overall digestive health. It contains a combination of natural...
Own development and production of dietary supplements in the Czech Republic
About productionAll laboratory examinations are conducted in our own biochemistry and hematology laboratory in Prague
About laboratoryWould you like to have your own brand of dietary supplements?
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