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This comprehensive allergy test will reveal what specific allergens you are allergic to and to what extent. The package includes testing for 117 allergenic extracts and 178 molecular allergens.

Detailed information

Product detailed description


Allergy test

Find out what you're allergic to with our blood testing allergy package. Modern blood analysis reveals your immune responses to various allergens, allowing you to identify potential triggers of allergic reactions. With this information, you can better manage your environment and choose appropriate measures to minimize allergic symptoms.

Within examination we are testing IgE antibodies.

The image shows an example of part of the report.

We offer you the determination of your allergen profile—namely, the detection of IgE antibodies from 117 extracts and 178 molecular allergens. These include:

  • Inhalant allergens, such as pollens (trees, grasses, herbs), dust mites, molds, and animal allergens.
  • Insect venoms, for example from wasps, bees, yellow jackets, and fire ants.
  • Food allergens, such as meat, fruits, vegetables, milk, eggs, cereals, seafood, and spices.

Do you suffer from sneezing, coughing, eczema, or even frequent diarrhea?

Allergies are the most common and often overlooked chronic illness worldwide. There are many allergens that can cause these symptoms and can significantly affect a person's well-being, yet identifying the cause of the illness can be quick and simple.

The result report includes

  • Information about IgE antibodies in your blood
  • The level of allergy to individual allergens
  • Symptoms when in contact with an allergen
  • Description of allergens you are allergic to
  • Where you may come into contact with a specific allergen
  • How to avoid the particular allergen
  • Strategies for managing reactions to the allergen
  • Available in 37 language versions (including Czech, English, Ukrainian, German, Polish, Slovak, etc.)

How does the examination process work?

  • Choose one of our EXAMINATION POINTS ( choose in basket )
  • Purchase the test (select the chosen collection site for shipping). 
    • If you wish the results report in a language other than English, please specify in the note when filling out your contact details in the order. 
  • You will receive an informational email with a request form for the collection site (no later than the second business day after ordering). 
  • At the examination point, present the request form and undergo blood collection. 
  • Within 7 business days, you will receive the results report. 
  • More information can be found here


 of the population suffers from allergies


of the population does not address this issue, which can lead to serious health problems


the number of allergens tested as part of this test


Consult your doctor about the results. The presence of IgE antibodies indicates a risk of allergic reactions and must be assessed in the context of clinical history and other diagnostic test results.


Additional parameters

Sample Type: Blood
? Doba výsledku: 3-7 pracovních dní
Zpracovává: GenX Laboratory
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PJ Avatar of author | 22.02.2023
Už delší dobu jsem pozorovala problémy s dýchacími cestami, zvláště v zimě. Žiju ve vlhké oblasti, myslela jsem si, že je to plísní nebo chronický zánět. Začátkem roku se ke mně dostala informace o firmě GenX. Velmi se mi líbí jejich kreativita a preciznost v kvalitě služeb i výrobků. Nechala jsem si udělat krevní testy a výsledek mi hned pomohl vyvarovat se extrémních záchvatů. Plíseň i chronický zánět byly vyloučeny a zjistili mi konkrétní alergii, za čož jsem nesmírně vděčná, protože je prevence teď mnohem jednodušší. Určitě si objednám i doplňky stravy, které nejsou předražené, naopak! Je vidět, že kluci do své práce dávají srdce, děkuji.
PT Avatar of author | 13.02.2023
JK Avatar of author | 12.02.2023
KK Avatar of author | 9.02.2023
Udělala jsem si alergie a moc děkuju za rychlou analýzu a super přístup !!!!
JD Avatar of author | 8.02.2023
Skvělá komunikace a rychlé výsledky. Děkuji.
FU Avatar of author | 8.02.2023

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