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1040 items total





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1040 items to display
Mockup (69)
180 Kč

A blood test for luteinizing hormone (LH) is a laboratory assessment designed to measure LH levels in the blood. This test is often used to diagnose and monitor conditions...

Mockup (70)
265 Kč

A blood test for vitamin B12 is a laboratory examination used to measure the level of vitamin B12 in the blood. Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is a key vitamin essential...

Mockup (71)
270 Kč

A blood test for folate (folic acid) is a laboratory assessment that measures the level of folate (vitamin B9) in the blood. Folate is essential for DNA and RNA synthesis, cell...

Mockup (74)
990 Kč

A blood leptin level test is a laboratory examination that measures the amount of leptin, a hormone produced by fat cells (adipocytes) in the body.

Mockup (75)
795 Kč

The IgG and IgM antibody test for herpes simplex virus (a-HSV) is a blood test that detects the presence of antibodies against herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) and type 2...

Mockup (76)
795 Kč

Test na protilátky IgA a IgG proti Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) z krve je diagnostický test, který se používá k detekci přítomnosti protilátek proti bakterii H. pylori v krvi...

Mockup (77)
180 Kč

The prolactin test measures the level of prolactin, a hormone produced by the pituitary gland, in the blood. Prolactin plays a crucial role in reproductive health, including...

Mockup (78)
205 Kč

The glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) blood test is a laboratory examination that measures the average blood sugar (glucose) level and is used to monitor diabetes mellitus treatment.

Mockup (80)
300 Kč

The HBsAg (Hepatitis B surface antigen) test is a blood test used to detect infection with the hepatitis B virus. This test checks for the presence of the HBsAg antigen in the...

Mockup (81)
350 Kč

Test anti-HBs (hepatitida B povrchového antigenu) je krevní test, který měří přítomnost specifických protilátek proti povrchovému antigenu viru hepatitidy B (žloutenkty typu B).

Mockup (79)
355 Kč

The HCV (Hepatitis C virus) blood test is a laboratory examination designed to detect infection with the hepatitis C virus. This test primarily focuses on detecting antibodies...

Mockup (84)
355 Kč

The total hepatitis A antibodies blood test is a laboratory examination that detects the presence of antibodies against the hepatitis A virus in the blood. This test is used to...

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