Register with us (along with subscribing to our newsletters) here and get a 5% discount on all laboratory tests and 10% on all dietary supplements.
You will receive the discount code by email.

Custom supplements

Professional healthcare laboratory GenX Laboratory s.r.o. provides examination and result processing services for you.

Návrh bez názvu - 2023-10-15T144615.603

Návrh bez názvu - 2023-10-15T140313.534 1. Select from the examination options

At the beginning of your journey towards a healthier lifestyle, it's necessary to choose a suitable examination package or preventive package.

Here you can choose from a diverse range of tests designed to help you achieve specific goals, such as improving immunity, regulating sleep, or achieving a healthy weight.

Some examination packages are further divided into levels, meaning you can choose between the basic level, Plus level, and MAX level. Detailed information about the testing methods can be found directly in the description of the selected examination package.

Návrh bez názvu - 2023-10-15T140549.497 2. Choose any additional services

In addition to the examination itself, you also have the option to add extra services.

We offer medical interpretation of results, online consultation with an expert on healthy lifestyle and nutrition, online mental health consultation, and express result retrieval within 24 hours (this option is available only at Prague sampling points). You can easily select these services in the details of the specific examination.

Our team of experts is here for you.

Návrh bez názvu - 2023-10-15T140719.342 3. Shopping cart and order

After selecting the appropriate tests or packages, it's time to add them to your shopping cart. At this stage, you don't need to pay anything extra, as the price already includes the costs of blood sampling and serum separation.

In the second step in the shopping cart, you'll choose your preferred sampling point, where you can press the help button to check the opening hours of the specific sampling point. You can find the list of all sampling points and their details here.

In the final step in the shopping cart, you'll fill in your personal details along with your date of birth. If you're ordering an examination for someone else, you can specify this information in the note to the seller.

You can quickly and securely pay for your order online using the Comgate payment gateway. If you have had a bad experience with online card payments, don't hesitate to contact us at the email address, where we can arrange an individual bank transfer payment option.

Návrh bez názvu - 2023-10-15T140829.582 4. Examination process

After successful payment, you'll receive a blood sampling request.

Now all you need to do is visit the selected sampling point with the printed request. We recommend fasting before sampling to ensure the most accurate results.

Before the actual sampling, make sure you've checked the opening hours and other instructions of the specific sampling point, which are available here.

Návrh bez názvu - 2023-10-15T140931.503 5. Test results

Upon completion of the examination, you'll receive the results securely by email in PDF format.

The duration of the results may vary depending on the specific examination, but you can find this information in the parameters of each examination.

In our clear results report, you'll find the following information, which you'll receive as part of the examination package based on the results of your test:

  • detailed description of the measured values ​​of individual parameters
  • reference ranges
  • personalized dietary supplement recommendations based on measured values ​​within the examination
  • general recommendations for a healthy lifestyle
  • nutritional recommendations
  • if you also purchased medical interpretation, this interpretation will also be part of your results report

Návrh bez názvu - 2023-10-15T141018.531 6. Personalized dietary supplements

The recommended dietary supplements tailored to you based on the results of your examination can be purchased directly on our website using the discount code you receive in your results report.


Náš tým odborníků

je tu vždy pro vás

MUDr. Jan Veselý

Lékař internista

Postkytne detailní a odbornou interpretaci vašich výsledků

Michal Kubrycht

Specialista na výživu a zdravý životní styl

Postkytne odbornou konzultaci zdravého životního stylu a výživy na základě vašich výsledků

O mně

Kristýna Rusnáková

Psycholog a kouč

Postkytne odbornou konzultaci duševního zdraví na základě vašich výsledků

O mně

Jan Štěrba

Psychoterapeut konzultant

Postkytne odbornou konzultaci duševního zdraví na základě vašich výsledků

O mně

Vaše zdraví nejen zkoumáme, ale také efektivně napravujeme!

 KAŽDÉ VÝROČÍ JE TŘEBA ŘÁDNĚ OSLAVIT! Dnes je to přesně půl roku od Vašeho 1. nákupu na (15)