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Mgr. Jan Štěrba, DiS.

Návrh bez názvu - 2023-10-31T165648.678 About me

I am a full member of the Czech Association for Psychotherapy. I have completed the "Therapy in Postmodernism" psychotherapy training (Gaudia). I graduated in Social Work. My approach is based on narrative and solution-focused therapy. I work with adults and adolescents, and I also have experience with psychiatric issues and court-ordered therapy.

Consultations with me are tailored to contribute to your mental well-being. Here, we can discuss your mental health to help you make informed decisions about your future steps. I create a partnership approach and provide a safe, non-judgmental environment. I strive to tailor consultations to each client. Together, we will aim to move towards your preferred reality.

Návrh bez názvu - 2023-10-31T164641.542 Focus
In consultations, we can address mood disorders, anxiety, and depression. I assist individuals in managing stress and challenging life situations, as well as burnout syndrome. We can focus on personality disorders, relationship issues, and parenting problems. I have experience with LGBTQIA+ issues, addictions, and paraphilias. Additionally, I am interested in court-ordered therapy, sexology, trauma work, and support in the area of preferred identity.
Návrh bez názvu - 2023-10-31T164524.558 Experience

Individual Consultations - I started my own therapeutic practice in 2021. In most cases, I provide individual therapy for adults. I also have experience with therapy for adolescent clients. As part of my therapeutic activities, I collaborate with the platform.

Group psychotherapy in protective treatment - Therapist at Bohnice Psychiatric Hospital. Group psychotherapy and another program for adults with court-ordered institutional protective sexological or psychiatric and anti-drug addiction treatment.

Social work with children - Contact social worker in a low-threshold facility for children and youth

Curator for children and youth within the social-legal protection of children - qualified for special professional competence in the social-legal protection of children

Internship in the Kaleidoscope therapeutic community for adults with personality disorders

Ongoing education through conferences and seminars - Narrative work with the consequences of trauma, Psychopaths among us, How to get out of the labyrinth of panic attacks and anxiety, Bohnic sexology days, Gynecological sexology conferences, Individual planning in social services, How not to be manipulated, Children's behavior disorders and youth, Communication with a manipulator client, Child at risk from the Internet environment, Child client with a psychiatric diagnosis, Introduction to addictionology, Criminal proceedings through the eyes of a child, Conflict resolution and negotiation, Finding the child's opinion

Návrh bez názvu - 2023-11-01T113404.551 Qualifications

Psychotherapeutic training Therapy in postmodernity (Gaudia)

Follow-up master's degree in Social Work - Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University

Bachelor's degree in Social Work - Faculty of Arts, Charles University

Studying the field of Social Work at a higher vocational school - the Higher Vocational School of Social and Legal Affairs and the Professional Institute

Course Systemic approach when working with crisis

Návrh bez názvu - 2023-11-02T104248.195 Contact
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at:
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