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Mgr. Kristýna Rusnáková

Návrh bez názvu - 2023-11-01T113857.554 About me

I am a psychologist and coach with a master's degree in Psychology at Charles University in Prague. I work in the field of sports psychology and provide consulting services for the Army of the Czech Republic. I also provide psychological counseling. During my studies, I gained experience in professional psychological workplaces and in education. I completed accredited training in holistic coaching and the Inner Child as a source of creativity course. I am currently engaged in a five-year psychotherapy training in CBT at the Odyssea Institute.

I offer a safe space to explore your feelings, thoughts and the possibilities of finding the most suitable solution to your problem. I approach every life story with respect and humility, but also with curiosity and interest. I always try to understand and understand the client as much as possible, I don't judge or criticize anyone. I believe that the solution to the problem is inside each of us, even if sometimes we can't see it. Instead of presenting universal solutions, I rather look for his individual direction with the client.

Návrh bez názvu - 2023-10-31T164641.542 Focus
Specialization in sports psychology, cognitive behavioral therapy and counseling in the field of relationship problems and personal development.
Návrh bez názvu - 2023-10-31T164524.558 Experience

I am currently working in the field of sports psychology and is engaged in scientific, methodological and consulting activities for the AČR

Internships at professional counseling and clinical psychology workplaces (e.g. Pedagogical-psychological counseling center; Special-pedagogical center Arabská; Center for Family and Interpersonal Relations ČB; Psychiatric Hospital Bohnice; Child Psychiatry Clinic at Thomayer Hospital; Child and Adolescent Detoxification Center; school psychologist ZŠ Sázavska)

Expert research activity in PedF UK projects

Active participation in international professional conferences (IHIET 2020, ICSPP 2021, SIPS 2023)

Ongoing participation in various courses and seminars (e.g. Mindfulness, Stress management and psychohygiene principles, Inner child as a source of creativity)

Accredited training in holistic coaching - Coachingworld, CPC certification

Attendant of psychotherapeutic training in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (KBT) - International Odyssea Institute

Návrh bez názvu - 2023-11-01T113404.551 Qualifications

Doctoral study program Kinanthropology - Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport - present

Master's study program Psychology - Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Education

Bachelor study program Psychology and Special Education - Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Education

Návrh bez názvu - 2023-11-02T104248.195 Contact
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at:

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