Register with us (including subscribing to newsletters) here and receive a 5% discount on all laboratory tests and 10% on all dietary supplements.
The discount code will be sent to you via email.

Loyalty program

How our loyalty program works

Every customer who places an order with us automatically becomes a member of our loyalty program. Upon completing the order, the customer receives a discount code that provides a 10% discount on their next purchase on our e-shop.

But that's just the beginning! Each subsequent purchase made by the customer with us will again bring them a 10% discount.

Why our loyalty program is beneficial?

Not only is our discount offer very advantageous, but it also has many other benefits for our customers. In addition to the discount on the next purchase, members of our loyalty program also receive regular updates about our news, events, and discount offers. Moreover, they are the first to be informed about special events and discounts available exclusively to loyalty program members.

Another advantage of our loyalty program is that customers are automatically enrolled from their first purchase, so they don't need to sign anything special or register separately. Simply making a purchase makes the customer a member of our loyalty program.

We believe that our offer of a 10% discount on each subsequent purchase will appeal to many customers who are looking for a convenient and easy way to save on their purchases.