The price of the package includes (in all variants)
Customized dietary supplement recommendations based on the results of the examination
General recommendations for a healthy lifestyle based on the results of the examination
General nutritional recommendations based on the results of the examination
Information on the value of individual methods, along with the reference range
Description of methods that are outside the reference range
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The AFP (alpha-fetoprotein) blood test is used for diagnosing and monitoring tumors, particularly liver, testicular, and ovarian cancers.
The blood test for tumor markers...
fPSA (volný Prostatický specifický antigen) je krevní test, který měří hladinu volného PSA, což je forma PSA, která není vázána na bílkoviny. Tento test se často používá...
PSA (Prostate-Specific Antigen) is a blood test that measures the level of this antigen produced by the prostate. The PSA test is primarily used for diagnosing and monitoring...
TPA (Tissue Polypeptide Antigen) is a blood test that measures the level of this antigen, produced by certain tumor cells.
The blood test for tumor markers serves only as an...
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