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Matěj Řeháček

matej rehacek 
Návrh bez názvu - 2023-11-01T113857.554 About me

As an expert in sports, nutrition, sleep, and supplementation, I provide individual counseling and lessons. My services include performance nutrition, diagnosis and correction of imbalances, weight loss, muscle gain, and strength and conditioning training for athletes. I also focus on improving exercise techniques for beginners and advanced individuals and offer online coaching.

My approach to health and fitness is comprehensive. In addition to physical fitness, I also emphasize mental well-being to support a healthy lifestyle. With extensive experience in various sports, I can effectively work with diverse groups of clients. I collaborate with physiotherapists and other professionals to ensure comprehensive and high-quality care for my clients. This multidisciplinary approach allows me to offer holistic and effective services that meet the specific needs and goals of each individual.

Návrh bez názvu - 2023-10-31T164641.542 Focus
In collaboration with me, you can expect to receive information and advice that will help you improve your approach to nutrition, sleep, and physical activity. This approach focuses on enhancing your mental well-being and performance in everyday life and in the workplace. The main goal is to achieve and maintain good health, which we will work on together.
Návrh bez názvu - 2023-10-31T164524.558 Experience

Qualified Sports Trainer and Masseur

Nutrition Counseling in Practice – Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport

Certified Fitness Trainer License B – Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport

Internship as a Strength and Conditioning Coach – Lukáš Kolář, Strength and Conditioning Coach for Lions

Physiological Training Seminar – Dr. Jan Hiblbauer and Ing. Tomáš Hejna

Muscle Contraction Seminar – Radek Rosa

Mobility Seminar Phase I and II – Spark Performance, Jan Jisra (Head Coach Prisma)

Sports Massage Course – Mgr. Miroslav Landsinger

Landmine University Intro – Movelab

Strength Training for Youth Categories – Mgr. Jan Petružela

Internship with Dominik Kodras – Strength and Conditioning Coach for the Czech National Hockey Team (Staca Elite Institute)

TRX Group Training – 3D Fitness

Performance Lifestyle – Effective Methods for Body Transformation and Performance Maximization, Mgr. Adam Česlík

Návrh bez názvu - 2023-11-02T104248.195 Contact
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at:
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