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870 Kč 2 350 Kč 2 890 Kč from 870 Kč
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Consultation on healthy lifestyle - ONLY IN CZECH LANGUAGE ?
Consultation on mental health ?
Delivery offer

Navigate your health with this comprehensive blood and urine test package, specially designed for women focused on preventive care and overall well-being. This package includes a wide range of tests, such as a complete blood count, lipid profile, thyroid function, iron levels, and other female hormones, providing an in-depth insight into your health.

More information about results

Package variants

Detailed information

Product detailed description


WOMEN Prevention Package

Prioritize your health with this comprehensive blood and urine testing package specifically designed for women who are focused on preventive care and overall health. This package includes a wide range of tests, including a complete blood count, lipid profile, thyroid function, etc., allowing for in-depth insight into your health.

Proactively monitor your health and stay on top of potential health issues before they become a problem. We are ready to support your journey to long-term health and well-being.

Prevention is the key to long-term health

Specific tests in the Prevention for WOMEN package
  Prev. WOMEN Prev. WOMEN+ Prev. WOMEN MAX
Urea vzniká v játrech jako produkt metabolismu bílkovin a je vylučována ledvinami. Její hladina může ukazovat na funkční poruchy ledvin. Urea
Kreatinin je produktem svalového metabolismu a je vylučován ledvinami. Jeho hladina v krvi je markerem funkce ledvin. Creatinine
Urine acid
Bilirubin je pigment vznikající při rozkladu červených krvinek. Jeho hladina může ukazovat na problémy s játry nebo hemolýzu. Bilirubin
Aspartát aminotransferáza (AST) je enzym nacházející se hlavně v játrech. Jeho zvýšená hladina může signalizovat poškození jater. AST
Alaninaminotransferáza (ALT) je enzym v játrech. Jeho zvýšená hladina může signalizovat jaterní poškození. ALT
Alkalická fosfatáza (ALP) je enzym, který se nachází v kostech a játrech. Jeho hladina může ukazovat na problémy s těmito orgány. ALP
Gamma-glutamyltransferáza (GGT) je enzym spojený s funkcí jater a žlučníku. Jeho hladina může naznačovat poškození jater nebo obstrukci žlučových cest. GGT
Triglyceridy (TAG) jsou tuky v krvi, které mohou ukazovat riziko aterosklerózy a kardiovaskulárních onemocnění. TAG
HDL (high-density lipoprotein) je "dobrý" cholesterol. Vyšší hladiny HDL mohou chránit před kardiovaskulárními onemocněními. HDL
LDL (low-density lipoprotein) je "špatný" cholesterol. Vysoké hladiny LDL mohou zvyšovat riziko kardiovaskulárních onemocnění. LDL
C-reaktivní protein (CRP) je marker zánětu v těle. Zvýšené hladiny mohou ukazovat na infekci, zánět nebo jiné zdravotní problémy. CRP
Total protein
Blood count
Vitamine B₁₂
Folic acid
Transferin je bílkovina, která přenáší železo v krvi. Jeho hladina může ukazovat na stav železa v těle a funkci jater. Transferin
Vitamine D
Thyreoideastimulační hormon (TSH) reguluje funkci štítné žlázy. Jeho hladina může ukazovat na hyper- nebo hypotyreózu. TSH
Volný thyroxin (fT4) je hormon štítné žlázy. Jeho hladina může odhalit funkční poruchy štítné žlázy. fT4
Volný trijodthyronin (fT3) je další hormon štítné žlázy. Jeho hladina spolu s fT4 může pomoci určit stav štítné žlázy. fT3
Price 870,- Kč 2 350,-Kč 2 890,-Kč

What does the results report contain?

In the package price you will receive:
  • Detailed information on the value of each method
  • Description of methods that are out of your reference limit
  • Basic advice on healthy living
  • Basic recommendations for good nutrition
  • Customized dietary supplement recommendations

Additional services can be added to the package:

  • Interpretation of your results by our internist
  • Online consultation with a healthy lifestyle and nutrition specialist
  • Online consultation with our psychologist or psychotherapist

How does the examination work?

  • choose one of our collection sites EXAMINATION POINTS ( choose in basket )
  • purchase your test (select your chosen sampling point in the transport)
  • to receive an informational e-e-mail with the request form to the collection site (no later than the second business day after the order)
  • submit the request form at the collection site and have the blood drawn
  • receive a results report within 7 business days
  • for more information, please see here

Who is the package for?


Women who want to optimize their health

For women of any age who are interested in maintaining and optimizing their health

Women over 40 years of age

As we age, the risk of certain health conditions such as cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, and some cancers increases

Women with risk factors

If you are a smoker, have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or other risk factors for chronic diseases, regular monitoring of your health may be beneficial

Women with family history

If you have a family history of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or certain types of cancer, preventive screening may be key to early detection and management of these conditions
Our team of experts

is always here for you

Jan Veselý

Internal Medicine Physician

Provides a detailed and expert interpretation of your results

About me

Jan Krajíček

Clinical Biochemist and Analytical Chemist

Expert management of laboratory and development of dietary supplements

About me

Michal Kubrycht

Nutrition and Healthy Lifestyle Specialist

Provides expert consultation on healthy lifestyle and nutrition based on your results

About me

Matěj Řeháček

Nutrition and Healthy Lifestyle Specialist

Provides expert consultation on healthy lifestyle and nutrition based on your results

About me

Kristýna Rusnáková

Psychologist and Coach

Provides expert mental health consultation based on your results

About me

Jan Štěrba

Psychotherapist Consultant

Provides expert mental health consultation based on your results

About me


women whose breast cancer is diagnosed early can be completely cured


women in the Czech Republic suffer from diabetes


women in the Czech Republic succumb to heart failure


Consult your doctor for results. Results should be evaluated in the context of clinical history and other diagnostic test results.


Additional parameters

Sample Type: Blood, Urine
? Typ vzorku: Krev
? Doba výsledku: 3-7 pracovních dní
Zpracovává: GenX Laboratory

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