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Mockup 2024 11 27T082333.445
250 Kč
Mockup 2024 10 31T134717.200
600 Kč
Mockup 2024 10 31T134257.298
264 Kč
25 items total




25 items to display
Mockup 2024 10 18T082001.073
200 Kč

The AFP (alpha-fetoprotein) blood test is used for diagnosing and monitoring tumors, particularly liver, testicular, and ovarian cancers. The blood test for tumor markers...

Mockup 2024 10 18T085714.120
550 Kč

The CA 125 blood test is primarily used to monitor ovarian cancer treatment and detect its recurrence. The blood test for tumor markers serves only as an indicative and...

Mockup 2024 10 18T082939.061
550 Kč

The CA 15-3 blood test is used to monitor breast cancer treatment and detect potential recurrence. The blood test for tumor markers serves only as an indicative and preventive...

Mockup 2024 10 18T085208.263
550 Kč

The CA 19-9 blood test is used for diagnosing and monitoring pancreatic, stomach, and bile duct cancers. The blood test for tumor markers serves only as an indicative and...

Mockup 2024 10 31T132809.275
588 Kč

CA 27.29 is a blood test that measures the level of a specific tumor marker often associated with breast cancer. The blood test for tumor markers serves only as an indicative...

Mockup 2024 10 18T085523.137
680 Kč

The CA 72-4 blood test is used for diagnosing and monitoring stomach cancer and certain types of ovarian cancer. The blood test for tumor markers serves only as an indicative...

Mockup 2024 10 18T082434.399
335 Kč

The CEA (carcinoembryonic antigen) blood test is used for diagnosing and monitoring certain types of cancer, particularly colorectal cancer. The blood test for tumor markers...

Mockup (1)
665 Kč

CYFRA 21-1 is a blood test used to detect fragments of cytokeratin 19, found in epithelial cells. The blood test for tumor markers serves only as an indicative and preventive...

Mockup (1)
397 Kč

fPSA (volný Prostatický specifický antigen) je krevní test, který měří hladinu volného PSA, což je forma PSA, která není vázána na bílkoviny. Tento test se často používá...

hCG free
211 Kč

Free β-hCG (free beta subunit of human chorionic gonadotropin) is a hormone produced during early pregnancy. A blood test for free β-hCG is primarily used in the first...

Mockup 2024 10 18T085932.210
550 Kč

The HE4 (human epididymal protein 4) blood test is used for detecting and monitoring ovarian cancer. The blood test for tumor markers serves only as an indicative and...

Mockup (45)
590 Kč

The blood test package for prostate cancer, including PSA and free PSA, is an important tool for detecting and monitoring prostate conditions. PSA, or prostate-specific antigen,...

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