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The preventive thyroid screening package is focused on assessing thyroid function. The main tests include measuring the levels of TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone), free T4 (thyroxine), and free T3 (triiodothyronine), which are key for diagnosing hypo- or hyperthyroidism.

Package variants

Detailed information

Product detailed description


Thyroid Check Package

The Thyroid Check Package focuses on assessing thyroid function. The main tests are measurements of TSH (thyreostimulating hormone), free T4 (thyroxine) and free T3 (triiodothyronine) hormone levels, which are key to the diagnosis of hypo- or hyperfunction of the thyroid gland. This package is suitable for people with symptoms of thyroid disorders such as weight changes, fatigue, thermoregulation problems or unusual mood changes. It is also recommended for people with a family history of thyroid disease.

Regular monitoring can help detect problems early and prevent potential complications associated with imbalanced thyroid hormone levels.

Prevention is the key to long-term health

Specific tests in variants of the Thyroid Check package
  Thyroid CheckThyroid Check+Thyroid Check MAX
Tyreotropní hormon (TSH) reguluje funkci štítné žlázy. Jeho hladina může ukazovat na hyper- nebo hypotyreózu. TSH
Volný thyroxin (fT4) je hormon štítné žlázy. Jeho hladina může odhalit funkční poruchy štítné žlázy. fT4
Volný trijodthyronin (fT3) je další hormon štítné žlázy. Jeho hladina spolu s fT4 může pomoci určit stav štítné žlázy. fT3
Protilátky proti thyreoglobulinu (aTG) jsou imunitní proteiny produkované v těle, které cílí na thyreoglobulin, protein produkovaný štítnou žlázou. Tyto protilátky mohou být spojeny s autoimunitními onemocněními štítné žlázy, jako je Hashimotova tyreoiditida a Gravesova nemoc. aTG
Anti-tyreoperoxidázové protilátky (aTPO) mohou ukazovat na autoimunitní onemocnění štítné žlázy, např. Hashimotovu thyreoiditidu. aTPO

What does the results report contain?

In the package price, you will receive:
  • Detailed information about the value of each method
  • Description of methods that are out of your reference limit
  • Basic advice on healthy lifestyle
  • Basic recommendations for good nutrition

Additional services can be added to the package:

  • Interpretation of your results by our internist

How does the examination work?

  • choose one of our here
  • order your test (select your chosen collection site in the transport)
  • receive an information email with the request form for the collection site (no later than the second working day after the order)
  • submit the request form at the collection site and undergo the blood collection
  • receive the result report within 3-7 working days
  • for more information, please visit here

Who is the package for?


Persons with symptoms of thyroid dysfunction

These include symptoms such as fatigue, unexplained weight change, depression, hair loss, irregular menstruation in women, thermoregulation problems, and changes in heart rhythm.

Women, especially those who are pregnant or planning a pregnancy

Women have a higher risk of thyroid problems, and pregnancy can affect its function.

Middle-aged and elderly

The risk of thyroid problems increases with age.

People who want to do a preventive check

Even those without the above risks may be interested in thyroid monitoring.
Our team of experts

je tu vždy pro vás

Jan Veselý

Internal Medicine Physician

Provides a detailed and expert interpretation of your results

About me

Jan Krajíček

Clinical Biochemist and Analytical Chemist

Expert management of laboratory and development of dietary supplements

About me

Michal Kubrycht

Nutrition and Healthy Lifestyle Specialist

Provides expert consultation on healthy lifestyle and nutrition based on your results

About me

Matěj Řeháček

Nutrition and Healthy Lifestyle Specialist

Provides expert consultation on healthy lifestyle and nutrition based on your results

About me

Kristýna Rusnáková

Psychologist and Coach

Provides expert mental health consultation based on your results

About me

Jan Štěrba

Psychotherapist Consultant

Provides expert mental health consultation based on your results

About me


pregnant women are diagnosed with thyroid disease


Czech population suffers from thyroid disease


patients with thyroid disease do not know about their disease


Consult your doctor for results. Results should be evaluated in the context of clinical history and other diagnostic test results.

Additional parameters

Sample Type: Blood
? Doba výsledku: 3-7 pracovních dní
Zpracovává: GenX Laboratory

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